Correction Policy

At The Washington Protocol, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and unbiased news to our readers. Despite our rigorous editorial processes, errors can occur. Our Correction Policy outlines how we handle and correct such errors transparently and promptly.

Types of Corrections

We categorize corrections into the following types:

  • Factual Errors: Incorrect dates, names, numbers, or misrepresented facts.
  • Editorial Errors: Grammatical mistakes, typos, or formatting issues.
  • Technical Errors: Broken links, incorrect multimedia, or other technical issues affecting the user experience.

Reporting Errors

Readers who notice errors in our content are encouraged to report them through the following channels:

Correction Process

  1. Acknowledgment: We aim to acknowledge all reported errors within 48 hours.
  2. Verification: The editorial team verifies the reported error against our internal guidelines and multiple sources.
  3. Correction: If the error is confirmed, we correct the content as quickly as possible.
  4. Transparency: A correction note is added at the end of the article, indicating what was corrected and the date of the correction.


We hold ourselves accountable for all content published on The Washington Protocol. Our editorial team is trained to adhere to the highest journalistic standards, and we continuously strive to minimize errors.


For any questions or concerns about our Correction Policy, please feel free to contact us.